Sunday, February 12, 2017


As I sit in my cozy little bungalow this Sunday evening in peace and little sister and about 50 of her kids, grandkids, use to be in-laws, their in-laws and friends and probably a few un-noticed out-laws are embarking on a week's cruise in was suppose to be to celebrate for a wedding of one of her grandkids.......which got married at the jutice of the peace before she ever left for the cruise.......figure that!!!!  When I talked to her last......she had woke up at three, was out delivering papers for Dukane, and still had to go clean his house and pack before they could drive two days to Houston to get on the ship.........Admittingly, she is 11 years younger  than I am, but still 74........isn't 29 when nothing stopped us.  Saw the picture on facebook with all of them in their pretty blue shirts, but I kinda bet before the weeks up there will be a few who pack up their shirts and pretend they aren't part of that group!
How can two sisters be so different?????   I don't do big groups of relatives, from day one I never enjoyed the big holiday get-to-gathers at grandma Goffs. I try to avoid family reunions,  I love my family but just a few at a time.....Leslie wouldn't miss one......I hope they don't wear her out as I only have one sister left and I need her.....hurry home Les and Philip, Mike and I wish you the best!

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