Saturday, February 4, 2017


This cold weather really plays havoc with my arthritis.......but i am hanging in  there.....I still have some of my hair, some of my own teeth and haven't peed my pants since i was little.......anything to make you smile.
Missed  ground-hog day but sad to hear Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow that day and we are in for six more weeks of winter.......Today is a balmy 47 degree and we are loving it.....but a new storm for our area is forecast.   Ken is going to Vernal for church this weekend and I am going to get ready for Bridge on Wednesday......went in to the see the doctor yesterday about my eye and he said it looked good.....still have 6 weeks of trying to see while the gas bubble disintegrates!!!!!
I just tell myself to appreciate all that I have.  To let me see the little thing in each day that make me happy .......(like my naps and phone calls to family)......I try to give thanks to all the blessings, the challenges and the celebrations for they have made me who I am and what my life is.

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