Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Yesterday was a sad day for the family........our darling Marley died.  He really was a "lover" had to love Marley he badgered you until you did.   I am sure the Cook family are very sad!.......He was really Karrie's baby.  I remember the Christmas Eve she came up the stairs in my other place with this great big puppy hanging in her arms and she and Annie spent the evening holding him.
He and their other dog Izzy always slept on the bed with them.......and it sometimes ended in a struggle when I baby sat and slept over to convince Mar Mar he was not the Alpha Dog when I was there!!!
Marley loved to chase the flash light on the floor and wall......he was sure he could catch it.....The Cook's lived on the 9th hole of the Willow Creek Country Club have a very large back yard for the dogs to play catch in......he would chase the ball as long as you would throw it.  So many fun memories of that big loveable dog......He has many dog cousins in Heaven with him.

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