Tuesday, February 14, 2017


HERE AGAIN.......AND SO SOON.  Three years ago today the Panniers moved into their new home......They had been with me on Madrid Street six months and were so excited.
     At my age.....it is kinda just another day........no sweetheart to wish my love to......kids all busy with their families.  But, I do have fun memories of growing up and making Valentine boxes and if a boy gave you a valentine with the word LOVE on it......that was a thrill.  Then on down the line in my life with three girls we also had fun putting valentine boxes together and counting how many valentines they got.
     Ken is living with me so I gave him a shirt, card and some of his favorite gummy bears.....he wore his new shirt today but at 18......he is kinda not to interested in celebrating.
    You can say Happy Valentines Day, but every day you should be happy.....and there are so many kinds of happy to be!  From the contentment of sharing even ordinary moments with a special someone, to the satisfaction of a job well done, to the joy of unexpected blessings, dreams taking shape or wishes coming true and everything in between, life brings us so many reasons to have a happy day!

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