Thursday, November 5, 2015

WHY NOT????.

Each time I sit down to write in my blog.....I either have a million ideas what I want to say......or they begin "ONCE UPON A TIME"...... Yes, once upon a time it was very important for me to get up...... do dishes, make beds, vacuum the dog hair etc......NOW.....not so much!.....If it doesn't bother the dog.....why should it bother me?.......and by now my good neighbors and best friends come to see me......not my house!  I am finding old age is a completely different animal and I just have to live with it!  Pam and Rob are off to Island Park tomorrow for the weekend and the Christenson's are off to Escalante with the Labrums for the weekend so I can plan on no kids around this weekend......of course I know the Cooks are in their own world without our family any longer......wonder how the Christmas Party will turn out????
I have decided I need to be a person of few words so when I talk, they will listen, and I give them words that they remember......I need to be personable and passionate......Show them I care and make someone's day a little bit brighter.  Make time for love and room for growth.....Take a  walk more often and stay adventurous.....Keep my Bible open and my coffee cup full......Life gives you one try so you better go out and simply live it up!.

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