Thursday, November 26, 2015


Big day for gratitude........The movie was good and the Happy Meal with extra fry sauce tasted just like turkey!!!!
Yesterday was such a sad day for our family.....the funeral of Becky Smith, only 52  and the day before Thanksgiving.  Did get to see Lucille's big family and my cousin David Goff.....a very nice service, Mike sat with me but could not stay and eat as he had to go back to work.   This poem seems to fit my thoughts for today......some people are without all their family because of death.....others because they choose not to be.
                          THE EMPTY CHAIR
The pies are in the freezer, the turkeys on the list.
But this Thanksgiving, oh how a loved one (or two) will be missed!
Lord Jesus please hear our Thanksgiving prayers
For those gathered around a table that has some empty chairs
Oh Lord , comfort their hearts we know that you are able
And let them know that this year, there's another chair at Heaven's Table.
....................Becky and Derik will be missed...........

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