Friday, November 6, 2015


The course of change never did run smooth.......but you may be glad to know that Change is predictable.  Virginia Satir established a model of how we experience transition:
STAGE 1......Late Status Quo......Here you are in the eventual present and the skies are clear, but this stage is called late status quo because.....though you don't yet know it.....something is about to come along ........and Bam!  (Yes, he said he was going to coffee with his son-in-law and instead he went to the lawyer and filed for divorce)!......An unexpected event occurs.  Whatever it is, the foreign element tells you, instantly that everything has changed........STAGE 2.......FOREIGN ELEMENT.......Your life has been turned up side down. What you'd hoped for, planned for, or predicted may no longer be possible or even relevant.....Little about this process is pleasant......but it does get you somewhere important.......STAGE 3.....CHAOS.....Then STAGE 4.....TRASFORMING IDEA......You have an epiphany,......a stroke of inspiration brought about by all that disorder........Something clicks into place, and perceive a way forward...or at lest the possibility one.....with the help of family and friends. STAGE 5.....INTEGRATION AND PRACTICE...... This is the period when you test-drive that transformative concept, investigating its merits and pitfalls, determining whether it can sustain you in the long term.  But don't be discouraged, Trial and error are exactly what the integration and practice phase is for.....STAGE 6.....FINISH.....As you acclimate to a new approach or outlook, you ease back into relative  peace.You
're relieved to be here...but also proud to still be standing.....Pat yourself on the back; You have made it to the other side......
This seems to be what everyone has or is going through in one form or another......and it gives you hope there is life after crisis for all of us......
Very quiet Friday......didn't leave the house!

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