Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I guess that is what Mothers are for.......raise good people and hope they pass it on to the next generation.......October just flew by and Halloween was a big success in my neighborhood.   I had between 50 and 60 cute, well mannered kids come trick-or-treating.   The weather was good .......and now the weather has turned cold and here we are in November, with Thanksgiving just around the corner.  Church and the Spaghetti Factory with the Panniers Sunday......yesterday made out and paid bills and did chores......today I'm off to the Golden Corral for lunch with Shirley.
Worried about my sweet missionary Brayden....his foot still hurts and he is depressed.......still has 8 1/2 months of his mission to go.  I will be glad to get all my missionaries home safe and have it behind them.
Grey cloudy days are not the best for getting things done......you just want to curl up and veg......but all Life is an opportunity......and we should benefit from it......Life is beauty, admire it.....Life is a dream, realize it.......Life is a challenge, meet it......Life is a duty, complete it.....Life is a game, play it.....Life is a promise, fulfill it......Life is a sorrow, overcome it.....Life is a song, sing it.......Life is a struggle, accept it......Life is a tragedy, comfort it......Life is an adventure, dare it.....Life is luck, make it.......,Life is life, fight for it.  I try to be greatful every day for my many blessings in life.

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