Monday, November 16, 2015


I have lived in my new house......7 months.......and am still trying to find everything.  Today my sweet daughter Sherrie and Grandson Ken offered to go through my Christmas decorations and carry them in and put them up for me......the best Christmas present a mother could have!.......Got the trees up.....mantel decorated.....hall decorated and a few odds and  ends done......then I mentioned I still could not find some of my favorite wasn't with the rest I had brought with me......well, my 6 foot 4 inch Ken took down a metal suitcase from the office closet that I had not been able to reach and guess what......they found my jewelry!  Yes, I had put it in a safe place......but forgot where the safe place was.   I kept telling is only stuff.....but some of my favorite stuff!  MY next big job is to wrap my gifts, then plan the menu and OUR Christmas party will be on it's way...... a month and 3 days from now......
While Sherrie was here she heard from Braydon......Next week is transfer week and he will be heading to a little place close to the Canadian border.....he was very excited to be so close to Canada and in a po-dunk area where he will get a car.....which will help his sore foot a lot and be made a Zone Leader.
Tomorrow off to a movie with Patty and meeting Shirley.......and time marches on!

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