Sunday, November 8, 2015

A NAP........

WOW......this is getting to be a habit.   Three hours of church.......lunch......and a nap!...You know, keep the Sabbath Day Holy!   But then this gets you ready for the busy week ahead...........Very quiet weekend as usual.....all my family and friends have their own families around on the weekend when no one works.......mine live out of town or go out of town or just ignore me and my friends are in the same weekends are pretty quiet.....My sweet nephew and his wife and son did surprise me and come for dinner Saturday night and we played Snivel.......a favorite game from a trip to EUROPE with him was great to have my family around........Mike had been up to rehearse for "SAVIOR OF THE WORLD"......the 13th year he has been in it............down at the Church's big center!. 
Did talk to my sweet sister and favorite cousin .......Lucille's Becky is not doing well with her cancer bout, but little sister had had a good weekend......and so IT IS.....WHAT IT IS!

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