Saturday, November 14, 2015


What do you do when writing your daily blog becomes an effort?  I use to have so much to say I didn't know where to several days go by and I realize I haven't been near my computer.  Let's see......Wednesday went down to CITY CENTER to a fun wedding reception for my next door the Cheese Cake Factory with Ivan and Gay.  It was Mark's third marriage.....Hanh's second.  Hanh is from Viet Nam and is going to be a wonderful addition to Mark.  She is constantly bringing me food and taking care of the "elderly"......Met Mark's twin brother Mike from California.....since we both moved in our twin homes at the same time we have become very good friends.  I am glad he found someone nice again!
Thursday was my day to have the Mexican Train girls over for lunch and games.....we ended up playing SNIVAL and they enjoyed learning it......It is our few hours to catch up and have a little therapy at it.
Friday I got the car inspected and a new tag for it and did chores.......Patty came by for coffee that afternoon. went to a movie and did three batches of laundry and tomorrow it will be off to church.  Haven't seen the Panniers for two weeks......Pam calls about once a week to see if I am still alive.  Talk to Sherrie almost every day.  The Cooks........I saw a thing that said if someone walks out of your life......let them......then close the door.  I did that once before with her Dad.....don't want to, but it can be done.
Having beautiful Fall weather, but a big storm is forecast for next week!

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