Sunday, November 22, 2015


   Why did I end up at "THE COTTAGES"?.........I guess there was a reason I ended up moving from 6298 Madrid St. after 27 years........ to Midvale and The Cottages.  Here it is, Thanksgiving week and two of the girls are going out of town and the third one doesn't know I am what do you do all alone for Thanksgiving?   Well, because you have good friends and a sweet cousin and sister......and some great get lots of invitations to Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday night.  When asked what I planned to do on Thanksgiving.....I told them go to a movie and then stop at McDonalds for a Happy Meal with extra fry sauce??????  Well, you ought to see the look on their faces as they all said.....No, no come eat with us!  I had invites from four neighbors, a good friend and my cousin and sister.   Hey, it's just another day to me and I am happy to go to a movie and get a Marie Calendar's frozen dinner and find a good movie and have my VERY OWN Happy Day!  Really Life is what you make it!

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