Monday, June 30, 2014


Scottie Cook and his grandmother on MOTHER'S DAY.........
Where have the past six months gone?  What happens in a person's life in six months......some good, some bad.  Today is the last day of June 2014......we will never have this day again or this time in our enjoy.
JANUARY.......My sister, Leslie moved from her long time home town of Winslow, Arizona to Mesquite, Nevada....this was huge.  The Panniers were still living in the basement.......
FEBRUARY......The Panniers moved into their brand new home after 6 months in grandma's basement......It was on Valentine's Day.....Sherrie and kids came to town, Karrie and kids pitched in and we got them moved in.......
MARCH......Nicci came home for Pam's Open House Party and we had a fun visit with she and Bill.  Pam and Rob went to Argentina on a ten day fishing trip and I tended Bree.  Sherrie and Darren went to Brazil to pick up Alex from his mission and I tended Brayden and Kennedy for 10 days, part of the time in Salt Lake and through the week in Vernal. Then an overnight with the Cooks in Vernal for the Home Coming......
APRIL.......The twins and I had a birthday......luncheons, bridge etc.  Scottie as tall as I am and his voice is changing......Kennedy has added an inch or two now 6'2" or 3!!!!!
MAY......Brayden graduated from high school and got his LDS Mission call to Spokane , Washington.  The twins and I were off to the Bahamas for a week of fun and sun.   A wonderful trip for me.....they had to put up with me!
JUNE......Tiffany and Rob had birthdays and a party at Pam's.  Sherrie and Darren had a 24th wedding anniversary  and I kept Kennedy for a weekend while they went to San Antonio........and Karrie's two big dogs while they went to Bear Lake .  Andrea graduated from Brighton High and Seminary......AND Tiff  and Scott came by to tell me I am going to be a great-grandmother in December.  My very good friend ANN MOSELY died....we traveled many miles around the world together.......I guess more bad news is I am 6 months older, have more wrinkles and aches and pains......good news I bought a cute pair of shoes today and Robbie came by to visit and put a new cartridge in my printer......

Saturday, June 28, 2014


IN the land that made me........ ME. This is the land I knew so well growing up SHIPROCK and the INDIAN RESERVATION........miles and miles of miles and miles is is lonesome.....and it is beautiful because it is God 'S LAND.....The principle of this land is TRUTH.....God made this land and we who grew up there loved it.......It is the absolute that  which reveals and is in accord with the will of the Divine as the governing principle of life.  TRUTH  is eternal, the same today as yesterday.  The fullness of truth related to the Divine exists at the core  of every living being......The basic principle of truth is that the mind of every individual is unified with the Divine Mind eternally.  We are all raised with many lies in our foundation.....our parents, bless their souls, tell us what they think we need to know to make it in life......sometimes true....sometimes not!  Life is hard and no one is going to give you must believe and earn it.  We must all do our own independent investigation of life and maybe for each of us it will be different!  I say read some Iyanla and become truly confused......
            Dealing with a good friends death this weekend and then I just got a call that my favorite cousin is in the hospital with kidney stones......I did have a fun day at garage sales today......there were many and I found some great TREASURES!!!!!  WEEKENDS ARE VERY LONG AND LONESOME!!!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2014


Day by day I am learning the meaning of the words "seize the moment"......because I realize we each have so much time here on earth and it is up to each of us to use that time to our fullest ability.  We must value ourselves and take charge of our own took me a very long time to learn this.....and thank goodness before it was too late.  Take is simply accepting ourselves as we are rather than demanding we be all we are capable of becoming......wrinkles, warts, extra pounds.....we must value our basic package of who we are simply because we breathe.  Self-esteem has nothing to do with achieving or producing or even becoming.......but rather it is that all encompassing  sensation of feeling acceptable, capable, and most of all loveable simply because we breathe.
So many of us die long before we're buried.......Life is filled with opportunities to value ourselves.  We must be careful not to focus too intensely on the future or too regretfully in the past.   Valuing ourselves comes only in the present tense......Sometimes we deceive ourselves into believing that there will always be another is simply not so. As your love for yourself increases, so will your love for love others sparks the ultimate motive within all charactered people to serve and survive.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Enjoy my face book and being able to keep up with friends, nieces, nephews and their families but it is always a shock when you see one of your best and old friends died a couple of days ago!!!!!  This is Ann Moseley........ we became friends shortly after my divorce and found we shared the love of travel.....she was a travel agent and could take me along at a discount as her "significant other" and we would barely get home from one trip and she would be plotting our next.  She was a single mother with five daughters and I a single mother three daughters so many trips had to be planned around who was pregnant and would need us to stay home.  This is her second daughter RITA who lives in Park City.  Ann has been ill for the past five years or so even though she struggled with her pain before it finally got her down.......along with a bad heart I think.. She loved playing cards.....and games and her family.  Ann you will be missed.

Monday, June 23, 2014


This is a very happy Betty........My grand-daughter, Tiffany, and her husband just came by to tell me I am going to be a great-grandmother in December!!!!!!YES! I have so been waiting for this news.......Tiffany's mother Pam was the first grandchild on my side and Tiffany the first grandchild so it only goes to show Tiffany should have the first great-grandchild for me.  I have hinted for months that if they don't get busy I could be dead before someone has a great-child for me to spoil.   My sisters and cousins all have several..........s now I will have one to brag about and show off.  Pam and Rob are very excited to be grandparents.......This is the happy couple on a cruise we went on to Alaska and I know they will have cute babies.  Scott and Tiffany Horton.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Oh the foot prints in the sand I have left in Mexico.........and perhaps the most are on the beaches of MATZATLAN!!!!!  I got brave and did the para sail thing.....which was really a thrill and I am glad I did it.......I really did it to impress the twins thinking maybe they would if I did.......but no such luck......And the wonderful church in the center of the city, every Mexican City has one.......and they have the Zocolo around them......and the city markets near by.
Don and his brother Woody bought an airplane and we made regular trips into Matzatlan before there even was a commercial airport and we always stayed in the La Playa Hotel right on the beach.  There were no lights on the runway so we had to arrive before dark and would be met by a pickup truck to haul us into the hotel......our gas was run through a shammy to get the water out before we could fill the gas tanks.  These were some of the most fun trips I ever took.  Now days they have a nice airport and cruise ships make regular stops there......I still love it. I can't count the times I have been to Matzatlan with my sisters, friends and twins......we even spent one Christmas there after the divorce.  I love the haggling when you shop and am able to use my "not so good Spanish!"......good food and music.
On some of these trips we have flown into TEPIC where friends live and also to GUADALAJARA.....where the fabulous Mariachis became famous. They are inland and I prefer the beaches.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Happy Birthday Rob.......I don't even have to guess what you are doing on your birthday in Idaho today........hope you get another great big fish!  It is also the first day of summer and the longest day of the year so you have a lot of light hours to keep fishing........Tiff seems to be having a ball in Wisconsin celebrating her birthday and college reunion and Pam is in Minnesota this weekend with Nicci.......and Bree is here with gram. 
Went off to garage sales this morning then had my nails done......and came home and washed my hair.   Met my new neighbors....... I think........a couple who lives by Karrie and is down sizing....... and good news Tim bought the house across the street and maybe Heather is GONE!
Life is marked by failures and setbacks and slip-ups, as much as by hard-won satisfactions and sudden discoveries of unexpected strength.  We need to help children understand that for us, as for them, life is made up of striving much more than attaining.......

Friday, June 20, 2014


 This is very interesting......"HISTORY OF THE INFAMOUS MIDDLE FINGER."
Be fore the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers.  Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future........The bow was made from the native English "yew tree"......and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew'......OR PLUCK YEW!  Gradually "pluck yew" has been translated to "f.... you" and associated with the famous middle finger.
It is also notable that because of the pheasants feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture became known as "giving-the-bird"??
Now I bet you didn't know that.........and probably could care less.   Off to McDonalds to meet Patty for coffee this morning......... 10:30 to 1:30.......we had a lot to catch up on.........Laundry, and the usual daily chores.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I was excited when this beautiful baby was very own first grandchild named Tiffany Marie Pannier.......Marie after her mother, her grandmother and her great-grandmother........She was such a fun little girl and fun to sew pretty things for.   She is still one of the sweetest people I know and very good to her grandmother.  She and husband Scott are in Appleton Wisconsin for her birthday and 10 year class reunion from college!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  SWEETIE..........
Off to a movie and lunch with Shirley today then ran over and picked up Bree to tend for the weekend.   Pam in Minnesota and Rob and a friend off to Idaho to fish for a weekend.  Sherrie called they are in Lake Powell working on the new boat and hope to get it in the water next week.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


ANNIE COOK.....graduated last week from BRIGHTON HIGHSCHOOL AND IS  off to UVU.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Here is a third of my family off to Alaska on a cruise having a martini party!  Any time you have your family around you can have a party......when..... if just one of us was at that bar it would not be half as much fun.....I feel so sorry for people who do not have a family.......or who do and are not close to the families they have..... .  This is the Pannier clan.....I got to be William's roommate and he was so much fun!  I am glad my plans for my life included getting married and having a fun family.....which I did. 
A great man once said....."On small hinges turn the gates of our lives."  Little mistakes can often cause us great heart aches - So early in our lives we need a set of guiding principles to follow.  The earlier in life, the better it is to set the guide posts we want to follow in our lives, thus creating our own maps.   Everyone has a map, some better thought out than others and some discard theirs all together.  "Remember The Map is not the Territory"...... no one can choose your destination or guiding principles for chose carefully.
I want my kids to look at me and say......

Monday, June 16, 2014


Happy Anniversary Sherrie and Darren......24 years.  You are two of the busiest people I know.  Home from San Antonio and up to your cabin with plans to go to Lake Powell to your boat next weekend.......makes me tired just thinking about you.  You have a wonderful full life with three great boys, a farm with chickens, horses and a cow now and then......renting and caring for your apartments and church work.  I never know where you will be flying off to (in your on plane)......... I hope you stay well and  happy for many years to come.   I am very proud of you.


How lucky the person who has a good father.......I DID!  I adored him, he was tall, dark and handsome.  He never yelled and would talk to you instead of beat you or take away privileges......which sometimes you would have preferred to be punished some other way.  He didn't know what grounding was.......He was home every night for dinner and supported me in all my crazy growing up things.   I knew he loved me and was very proud of me.  I failed my girls in  the father department and feel very guilty.   Their father provided for them and never physically punished them, but his children were not his priority and he spent little time or interest in what they were involved in.  Thank goodness my grandchildren all have very good father's involved in their lives and let them know they are loved and treasured.   HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE GOOD FATHERS.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Computers are so stressful and yet we can't seem to live without ours.  I have a virus and hope when Pam comes over to swim Monday we can get rid of is my first one ever and very stressful!  Everywhere you look there are helpful hints on how to de-stress.  What if you could banish stress right now in a matter of minutes. Just engage each of your senses........Melt stress with you sense of sight....having green plants in the home helps or gazing at a beautiful yard.......Melt stress with your sense of hearing.....Listen to your favorite music or the sound of birds happily singing......Melt stress with your sense of taste......pick a favorite food or flavor of ice cream and see how much better you feel.   Melt stress with your sense of smell....spring flowers, favorite perfume or a scent that brings back memories from a happy time in your youth.  So many small pleasures at our finger tips and they don't cost anything!
I enjoyed a delightful afternoon celebrating a dear friends 80 birthday.  Her son and a friend gave her a surprise luncheon and some of my favorite bridge companions.....a couple of her darling neighbors and three relatives that were nice to meet.   Janie was really surprised.  Have Kennedy and the dogs one more night......hope the dogs don't poop in the hall again tonight......but glad the girls can get away, I remember how great sneaking off now and then was when I was raising my family.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Well, it might be FRIDAY 13th and there is a FULL some this is a bad luck day but to me I choose happy.  Kennedy and I went to see How To Train Your Dragon and then to McDonald's for dinner.  The paper says this Friday the 13th and Full moon thing will not happen again until the fall of 2049.......Very hot. 
When you stop and think about it there are so many kinds of happiness ahead for each of us!  For some......the satisfaction of jobs well done, and the comfort of the company of family and friends.  The delight of unexpected blessings, the excitement of new opportunities, and the joy of dreams come true----plus just plain fun!  So enjoy them all......and do it now.  There's no better time to tap your strengths.  No better time to stop looking back and instead look ahead.  No better time to make time for what's important to you.  Why wait one more minute when you can start making your dreams come true today.......HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Chapter #35 cont........around the world

We could fly to Mexico and Western Air Lines whenever we wanted......for just the tax on the ticket........ because Don was a pilot for off to ACAPULCO.  At this time this was THE PLACE to vacation.......all the movie stars were going there and building big beautiful homes.  We stayed in a wonderful resort on the edge of town call Las Brisas......every bungalow had their own swimming pool, everything was pink and they delivered a continental breakfast to your front door every morning......and our terrace over looked the bay and the town.....a real vacation.  The big tourist attraction was the brave divers who dove from the high cliffs when the tide was in.  I loved it.  The shopping was fun and I loved the haggling.  We went to a fun club on the beach under the President Hotel with our friends the Holgreens and watched four Indians wind down by one foot from  a very high pole while one sits on top playing a drum.  This was very effective at night with the lights and fancy costumes.  We had also seen  this done at the Worlds Fair in NYC.  We went back to Acapulco many times in the years to come with the children and always had a great time.
Today ......Thursday Annie brought the two big dogs over for the weekend, they are off to Bear Lake.  Sherrie ran by on her way to the airport and dropped Kennedy off for the weekend and was off to San Antonio to meet Darren for their 24th wedding anniversary......Darren was already there checking on the oil wells.  Alex and Brayden holding down the fort in Vernal.  Yesterday the girls were dealing with Don who had driven himself to the Park City Hospital the night before ..... thinking he was going to is prostrate......Where is his wonderful wife??????  Oh yes in LA.....her 101 year old mommie needed her...... she was seeing mice on the wall!  Don turned 85 last Saturday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CHAPTER #35....around the world continued.......

MEXICO......the love of my life and my favorite place to travel......learned some Spanish and love trying it out in this country... I love their food, the shopping, the music, the beaches and laid back living style. Oh yes, the margaritas are good too.  My first trip to Mexico was a couple of years after Don and I were married......we left Pam home with my parents and went to MEXICO CITY.......and I immediately fell in love with the country.  The floating gardens of zosomilico will always be in my mind......the zocolo with the beautiful cathedral and fun shopping....... the chance to haggle.....which was and food.  We took a day tour to TASCO and CUERNAVACA......a few hours from Mexico City.   The beautiful city of Tasco with it's many stores filled with beautiful silver pieces, and streets built on hills and all the beautiful tiles everything.  Cuernavaca is more laid back with a pretty church and fun fountains.

Monday, June 9, 2014


"Your subconscious mind never grows old.  It is timeless, ageless, and endless.....It is a part of the universal mind of God, which was never born and will never die.......Fatigue or old age does not have an impact on any spiritual quality or power.   Patience, kindness, veracity, humility, goodwill, peace, harmony are attributes and qualities here on this plane of life, you will always remain young in spirit.....
Years alone are not responsible for bringing about degenerative disorders.....It is not time itself, but the fear of time that has a harmful aging effect on our minds and bodies.....Indeed, the neurotic fear of the effects of time may well be the cause of premature aging........"
         Sometimes when the elderly get old and sick they feel no one wants or needs them......They are partly sick not because of life, but because of the way they view life.  They have a mental attitude of futility and worthlessness that helps bring on their illness........People can grow old in their thought of life, and their subconscious mind made manifest everything they are expecting and dreading.
Unfortunately, many of us have the same attitude........We are afraid of what they term "old age", the end and extinction,,,,,,,,,.What this really means is that we are afraid of life......yet life is endless....age is not the flight of years, but the dawn of wisdom.  We need to get out of our head once and for all that sixty-five....seventy-five.....or eighty-five years of age is synonymous with  the end of you or anybody else.......It can be the beginning of a glorious, fruitful, active, and most productive life pattern, better than you have ever experienced.  Believe this, expect it, and your subconscious will bring it to pass......THIS I BELIEVE.
Pam and I did an hour of exercise in the pool this morning....we are aiming to do this twice a week!  Tonight I am very tired.....BUT, today was missionary letter day from Richie!!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2014


In our life there are so many Choices, but many of us don't take a Chance and so we are not making any Changes in our lives....... There is something about human nature that prefers their comfort zone and go on year after year miserable with their lives.......We spend too much time on the 'WHAT IF'S"...but most of the what if's never happen........Your subconscious is your book of life!!!!  Think about that for a minute.
                "Whatever thoughts, beliefs, opinions, theories you write, engrave , or impress on your subconscious mind, you will experience them as the objective manifestation of circumstances, conditions, and events.  What you write on the inside, you will experience on the outside.  You have two sides to your life, objective and subjective, visible and invisible, thought and its manifestation.
             Your thought is received as a pattern of neural firings in your cerebral cortex, which is the organ of your conscious reasoning mind.  Once your conscious or objective mind accepts the thought completely, it is transmitted to the older parts  of the brain, where it becomes flesh and is made manifest in your experience.
                As previously outlined, your subconscious cannot argue.  It acts only from what you write on it.  It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as final.  This is why you are always writing on the book of life, because your thoughts become your experiences.  The American philosopher,  Ralph Waldo Emerson, said.  "Man is what he thinks all day long."
Oh yes......My first garage sale day of the some fun books and nick-nacks for the front yard and looked and looked.  Went to a movie and colored my hair, wrapped gifts for Robbie and Tiffany who have birthdays coming up!  It has been a busy day.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Oh yes, I have a few special words for and about what I really think of this man.....The President of THE UNITED STATES......It's not that I don't like him?????  I just like everybody in the whole world better!!!  Every night I ask God......Why?  What have we done to be punished by this man who is completely tearing  the world apart. He lied and cheated his way into office during the Bengazi Ordeal,  a problem that has never been faced or made public for us.......Then OBAMA CARE......a complete fiasco in our country which  will prove to fail down the road......I hope.......The next scandal we are embroiled in is the VETERANS HOSPITAL.....where the waiting list for the veterans to get medical care is sometimes as long as a year down the road,,,,,,just fired the director and the latest is he let five of the worst Terrorist be traded to the terror group for one soldier who we find out deserted and wanted to be captured.  He has done nothing on the illegals of Mexico, or the jobs and the economy is going to the dogs...AND WE ARE STUCK WITH HIM TWO AND A HALF MORE YEARS.......I ONLY HOPE I CAN LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE ANOTHER DECENT PRESIDENT!!!!  What really bothers me you can't talk black or your raciest.....Hello...... his mother was white......he is as much white as black.........
Didn't get much done today.....picked up an anniversary gift for the Christenson's and a little something for Tiff's birthday...Lawns mowed and garbage day.......getting ready for the weekend.  Well, now that I have vented I feel better!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


 Some days you just need something to smile about.........Having just got back from a beach resort in the Bahamas where 9 out of 10 people were wearing a thong bathing suit!!!!!  I could suggest some of them could cover more feet with theirs than the little bit of the behind they were trying to cover........Oh yes, I love this cartoon!
Picked up my neighbor at the University Hospital this morning, after her heart procedure and spent the afternoon at the Cottonwood Country Club playing bridge, have a neat group of friends.....but didn't get anything done here at home......I know Gigi thinks I never stay home.....poor puppy.
Isn't it amazing how much we bring of who we've been to what ever we do today!  And that happens all through life......."In thinking about family times together, I realize that I have come back to the very best reason parents are so special.  It is because we parents are the holders of a priceless gift, a gift we received from countless generations we never knew, a gift that only we now possess and only we can give to our children. That unique gift, of course, is the gift of ourselves.  Whatever we can do to give that gift, and to help others receive it, is worth the challenge of all our human endeavors."

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


My Andrea and Brayden .......born one day apart and when they were young were inseparable ......they never needed anyone else to entertain them, then Brayden's family moved to Vernal so broke up the twins a little.  Brayden is like Annie's another mother......Oh yes, their mothers are twins........Well anyway I attended both of their high school graduations the past two weeks.  Brayden's May the 23rd and Annies today.  They have grown up to be such fine young people with good goals for the future,......Annie off to college this fall and Brayden of to his LDS mission in July.  Yes, I am a lucky grandmother......Congratulations you two!!!

Monday, June 2, 2014


This is my Annie's graduation picture......Tomorrow is the big day for her......can't believe she is all grown up and will be heading to UVU.......this fall.   She and her friend Ky just stopped by to say hello, a grandmother likes these kinds of surprises.  I went to her Seminary graduation last night at their ward house, she had been chosen as one of the speakers.....again very proud.   She gives her mother a run for her money!!!   Lovin' her more every day.
Got my bills mailed, condo fee paid, got some milk eggs etc. so can eat again, got the laundry done and the suit cases put away.....but still not moving too fast.  Doesn't take long to get back in the old routine though.......You find no matter what you do LIFE DOES GO ON.........Talked to Pam, still no lawn, fun weekends in Idaho, Sherrie called and was at work, Karrie called and was busy with getting things set up for Ann's graduation tomorrow.  We had a fun week, but right back to the hectic pace.
"Don't get so busy that you miss the little but important extras in life......the beauty of  a day, the smile of a friend....the serenity of a quiet moment alone.  For often life's smallest pleasures and gentlest joys make the biggest and most lasting difference."

Sunday, June 1, 2014


 Well, to continue my past 10 day activities.....up Sunday morning EARLY and off to the airport......Sherrie, Karrie and I for a fun time of hanging out together at the Viva Wyndam all inclusive resort in FREEPORT, BAHAMAS.........It was Sherrie who put it together and invited Karrie to go and I invited myself.....and they were kind enough to say Yes.  Pam off to see Nicci in a couple of weeks so didn't care not to be included.  Two hours to Dallas, 40 minute between flights then 2 more hours to Miami and then a short short hop of 25 minutes on down to the Bahamas, arrived about 4;30.....2 hours time difference.  My sweet girls worried I could not do all the airport walking so they ordered a wheel chair for me in between all stops......then took very good care of me everywhere we went.....I am not use to this after being alone for 28 years and on my own.....but loved it.  We did very little, find a talopa and settle in for the day.  Sun, sand and sea and lots of eating and drinking in between.  I read, did Suduko, played games on my Ipad and wrote a journal of the trip.....may have dozed a couple of times!  There were all kinds of water sports going on.....wind sailing, paddle boards, canoeing, water skiing, a trapeze for the brave, games by the pool, dance lessons by the pool and disco at night......but we ate and slept most the time and the girls got unwound from their busy lives.  We did catch a taxi and go to the little town to shop one day for favorite part of any vacation.  Karrie's suitcase zipper was crushed on the trip down and we cut the top out of her suitcase and had to buy her a new one to get home!!! Oh by the way.....American Air Lines tore off  one of the wheels on the way home of her brand new suitcase........We did so good the first few days but the last day things got out of control and we all came home really sunburned......ouch!  A hectic getting home as the flight delayed out of Freeport....we threw things in our suitcase and left the the airport I put on makeup, combed my hair, turned my shirt....... that was on backwards and put on my elastic soxs.....I had never done that before!  Really glad to see Rich at the airport and Sherrie had to jump in her car and drive three hours home to Vernal. Her family had been to Lake Powell all week with the scouts and  were getting home that night.......We had a very good time and I think we would all agree.......THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

BEEN A BUSY 10 DAYS.........

Well.....this is my all gown up High School graduate.......The past 10 days have been a whirlwind time for me.  Wednesday the 21st of May, Karrie drove me to Heber to meet Sherrie driving in from Vernal to pick me up for the weekend.  Thursday I helped out with the decorating for the Senior party night that Sherrie was in charge of........Friday night was graduation, we sat out in the bleachers and the weather was great...... these are the kinds of things that really make a Grandmother proud.....home for a family dinner, with Kay and Todd, then Ken and I hung out while Sherrie and Darren went to stay all night at the all night party and Alex had an early date.  For his senior trip he will go to Puerto Rico for 10 days with his friends and a couple of families who rented a house.  Love this boy......Saturday just hung out, then Sherrie, Dar, Alex and Brayden went through the Temple to take out his endowments for a July 27th mission call to the Spokane Mission.  Such a big weekend for this guy.  THEN......Sherrie and I drove back to Salt Lake arriving about 9:30 to get ready to go to the Bahamas with Kar...pick up at 3;30 AM......Grown, didn't sleep at all!  Unpack one suitcase and put it in another......etc.  I am very excited....thought I was "DONNROVIN'".......