Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sherrie's boys

Do you love these pictures or what? The left is Sherrie and Kennedy when he was about one year old. The boys were young and let Sherrie dress them up to look like the little boys of several generations ago. That would not happen today!
Sherrie's baby will be 12 years old this month. He is a tall, skinny, and a beautiful boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He has his definite likes and dislikes. He loves legos and can build the most amazing things. Oh yes, his favorite "person" in the whole world is Sponge BOB Square Pants.
Sher's second son is Brayden. He is my 4th grandson. (at the top). He will be 15 this summer and can get his drivers permit. Brayden is the sweetest thing and so good to his grammy. Brayden is going to be a big man and can do anything. He is a peace-maker and an inventor. His mind is full of big dreams and wonderful inventions......that his grandmother knows he will share with the world someday. He will get his Eagle Scout this summer.
Alex is 17. Sherrie's first son. He is tall, thin and very shy and so cute! He was my second grandson and has had charm and charisma from day one. He loves cars. He loves tearing them apart and building them back together. He loves outdoor sports with his family. He is a very hard worker and very dependable, his father's right hand man. Last year he went to Europe with the young ambassadors and got a touch of the real world. He also got his Eagle Scout Badge last summer. I am such a lucky grandmother.
And my Sherrie never stops. She is the perfect mother of boys. She can do anything and never stops surprising us with her talents. She just published a book "THE POWER OF A PENNY" which led to book signings and tv interviews and speaking engagements, which she handled beautifully. She is contributing part of the book profits to "Koins of Kenya". She is doing a blog-cook book that is so fun. She started a scrapbook paper company which she sold and now has a purse business. She adores her horses and big blue barn and can drive anything from trucks, tractors, hay baler's or pooper scoopers. She is very active in the church and in her neighborhood. Entertains on their house-boat and in their cabin. She is like the pink bunny that just keeps goin and goin and goin......

1 comment:

Friendship Stew said...

I learned from the best! Love you mom!