Sunday, April 4, 2010


When you think of Easter Sunday, what comes to your mind? God, resurrection, his empty tomb, church services? Or, like to many of us, we think new Easter dresses and hats, baskets full of bright colored eggs and chocolate bunnies.
When I think of all my past Easters I'm afraid it was always the latter. But, on this Easter Sunday, also the second day of the annual Spring Conference of the LDS church, I have other thoughts and feelings.
Today my heart is filled with God and his resurrection. I have had the privilege to travel to Israel. I walked where Jesus walked. I have been to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus spent time anticipating his own calcification and resurrection. So near to the places where he prayed, was taken prisoner, where he was tried and condemned. Outside the city walls we were shown the place called Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified. Close by we were told was the cave in which it is said the body was lain and the stone rolled over the entrance. I tried to think back through all those years and the story of his resurrection, while seeing the River Jordon, floating in the dead sea, strolling atop the ruins of Masada. We passed by the hills where the dead sea scrolls were found and I put my prayer on a slip of paper to put in a crack with the many other hopefuls on the Wailing Wall. Yes, Jesus lived and left his foot steps many places for mankind to follow.
So now as I celebrate my (almost) 78th Easter Sunday today I only have God and what he did for us in my heart. No, I don't have a new Easter dress, I didn't get an Easter basket of eggs or a chocolate bunny, but best of all I have been invited to have Easter dinner with my oldest daughter and her family. My other two girls and their families are out of town on Easter vacation trips with their families and wherever they are I wish them "Happy Easter." Today I have much to be thankful for.

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