Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

It all started here 78 years ago today. I was born April 19, 1932 in Mancos, Colorado to Hazel Marie Goff and Richard H. Yeomans. I was born in this little brown house that was my grandma and grandpa Goff's home. I was the first child of a family of five. All three of my little sisters were also born in Grandma's bedroom here. I have many wonderful memories and learned many lessons that I have used all my life from this "little brown house." I have nothing but good memories about growing up down the street from my grandparents. Mancos is a small town where everyone knew everyone and you could wander freely, safely exploring your world. These past 78 years have flown by looking back. After graduating from high school in 1950, my summer job was a waitress in Spruce Tree Lodge in Mesa Verde National Park, then off to BYU to college. that next summer I went to Denver and lived with an Aunt and Uncle and worked at Berkhardt Steel Company as a secretary for a year. The following summer I went to Estes Park and was a waitress in Coolidge Cafe for the summer. I returned to BYU for another year of school. My goal since graduating from high school was becoming 21 so I could apply to be a "Stewardess".....Well, finally that magic number arrived! I went to airline school in Kansas City,Mo and then to Denver to apply at six airlines. I took the first one that was hiring, which was Frontier Airlines, I started in January 1954. I was stationed in Salt Lake City. I flew two and a half years before quitting to marry an airline pilot, April 28, 1956. (wow almost 54 years ago!) We were married a little over 30 years and had three beautiful daughters. We traveled the world taking the children on many trips with us. It was a busy life. When the twins were 18, he walked out on the family. I have been divorced almost 24 years, they have been good years. I have three wonderful son-in-laws and nine "perfect" grandchildren and a granddaughter is getting married in a few months so hopes of great-grandchildren are in view. I have traveled around the world, worked as a conceirge, gone back and taken classes at the U of U. Learned Spanish, spoken on cruise ships, learned to text, am on face book, have a blog and can email. I have enjoyed my family, who spoil me royally. I hope I haven't wasted one minute of the past 78 years and will take advantage of every minute I have left before I add a few more birthdays. As I move on the birthday numbers will mean nothing, in fact other nonessential numbers also include my weight, height and waist measurements. Yes, April is a good month: The twins, (born one week before my 36th birthday), my grandson Kennedy, my only brother Jim and my favorite cousin all share April with me.