Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Go With The Flow-

Well, today I did something I promised myself I was never going to do again..........I signed on the line to redo my kitchen. Does it need it? Yes, it is old and outdated but the only real reason I have a kitchen is that it came with the house. First i was just going to get a new microwave and sink. Then maybe a marble counter, then they give me such a good price for tearing out and replacing my cabinets and having a custom built kitchen that I weakened. They are estimating to have it done by the end of the month, but my kids say, "don't hold your breath." All I can say to myself is, "this too will pass." When it is done I am sure I will love it! It's this "Feny Shui" thing I have going on in my brain. Feny Shui is the Asian art of designing space to allow for the optimal flow of energy through a room. Right now my house needs a little help in this area.
Have you walked into a living room and looking around wondered........does anybody live in here? Hey, there is a reason a living room is called a living room. They are meant to be lived in! When you walk into my living room there is no doubt someone lives in it. Someone who loves to travel and bring back a souvenir of every place she has ever been in her trips around the world. Bringing in all the elements that represent the best aspects of my life of travel creates a warm, interesting, friendly room that people can enjoy.
When you walk into a squeeky-clean room without any accessories you think to yourself, what are these people about? I am the first to admit my home has more "tchotchkes" that I need lying around, but each one is dear to me and has a story to tell that brings back a great memory of some strange land or place I have been. But, bottom line, as I grow older and can no longer travel the world like I have done in the years gone by, it validates to me "Been There Done That." I feel very lucky to think I have Gypsies blood soaring through my veins.
And, I don't kid myself one little bit, the minute I die the girls will have the biggest garage sale on the block and someone else will be the lucky owners of my treasurers. I will continue to work on my Feny Shui skills arranging and rearranging my goodies to keep the flow of energy at a high level in my living room, dinning room and soon to be new kitchen.
Today I am grateful for seeing 120+ countries, 6 continents and 48 states and have a "tchotchke" from everyone of them to enjoy.

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