Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy and Sad

How can you be really happy and sad at the same time? I am so happy because my roommates just got engaged .........
Well...........Goldie her baby didn't get engaged but she will be moving out with Tiffany in October. That is why I am sad, I will miss them after almost five and a half years. We have had so much fun together, long talks, dinner out, movies and a glass of wine together. Never a cross word between us and she never leaves the house without us telling each other "I love You, have a good day." You love your kids, but sometimes you worry more about your grandchildren. Tiff is a wonderful girl. She has finished college and worked at the University of Utah for five years or so. About a year ago she met Scott and and in March when they went on a cruise with his family he gave her a ring. We love Scott and he fits into our family great. He has been very good to her grandmother.......which really makes points with me. We are up to (our) armpits with wedding plans which is so exciting! Where to have the wedding, who to invite, the wedding dress, the bridges maids clothes, flowers, photographer, invitations, food and entertainment........Wow, her family are busy. Hard to believe this time of year 54 years ago tomorrow her grandmother was getting ready to walk down the isle. So much water under the bridge since then. Interesting how time marches on and each generation takes their turn at repeating the traditions of their loved ones. I am proud of my kids, for making this a happy time for their child ( my grandchild ) and know they will pass it on. So, I may be happy that Tiffany and Goldie will move out this fall into their new life, BUT, I am sad they will no longer be roommates to Gigi and I.

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Oh gram! That just means that they have to come visit...and Will may need a roommate in a few years, so you might not be rid of grandkids yet! I love you!!