Thursday, April 1, 2010


APRIL 1st.......April Fools Day!
This is a day of pranks and jokes........which are suppose to make you laugh. According to scientific study, laughter is good for you.
No one teaches you to laugh, you just do it. Laughter is a way of communicating, it comes involuntarily and in certain spots in a conversation. Rather than just laughing at something funny, laughter is about social responses. "laughter above all else is a social thing, and usually requires another person."
Like a smile is a smile in any language, a laugh is a laugh in any language. People of all language groups laugh with a basic ha-ha-ha. It is thought there is a pattern generator in our brain that produces this sound. Each "ha"is about 1/15th of a second....or not. Some people laugh longer or shorter, louder or simply chuckle. Still, a laugh is in the mind. "It's a joy; it's positive engagement in a person's life!" It is very social.
Of interest deaf people laugh without hearing and people laugh when having a conversation on a phone without seeing anyone. This illustrates that laughter is not dependent on a single sense but, due to social interaction.
Some studies of animals think laughter produces an insulin like growth factor chemical that acts as an antidepressant and anxiety reducer.........this probably happens in humans also. When scientist can figure out what is going on in the brain during laughter they could make a vaccine or pill that fights depression and anxiety in people. At any rate there is nothing in my life that makes me feel better than a really good laugh, I love friends who make me laugh! So I will continue to smile, chuckle or just laugh out loud. "Laugh and the world laughs with you, Cry and you cry alone." And that is no April Fool.........

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