Friday, April 16, 2010

More Wabi-Sabi

Remember the definition of Wabi-Sabi? A term from the Japanese that describes the beauty found in imperfection..........Wabi stems from the root Wa which refers to harmony, peace, tranquility, and balance. Generally speaking, Wabi had the original meaning of sad, desolate and lonely but poetically it has come to mean simple, un-materialistic , humble by choice and in tune with nature.
Sabi by itself means "the bloom of time". It connotes a natural progression, a patina that extinguishes the gloss. It's the understanding that beauty is fleeting. Wabi-Sabi is an ancient design concept of paring back to the simple essentials. It is under stated and modest, a kind of quiet, undeclared beauty that waits patiently to be discovered. Well, after completely emptying out my kitchen to the bare walls preparing it for remodeling I try to envision how it will look when it has waited patiently to be rediscovered. They are moving right along with the plans and Karrie and Annie helped me tie up the loose ends today. A plumber will arrive this weekend to redo the water turn- off handles under the sink so they can tear everything out on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday they will install new cupboards and possibly Friday the new counter top. Thanks to Karrie and her understanding of Wabi-Sabi many treasures found their way into the garbage sack. "Mother you never use them and will never miss them". She is a no-nonsense, keep it simple kind of gal. The kind of person I needed to unload unnecessary clutter. I keep reminding myself "Wabi-Sabi is an ancient design concept of paring back to the simple essentials!" I have been intrigued by this concept and feel it can be a great help to me in my life. Look for the good and beauty in everything instead of the negative and ugly. I will be grateful when my new kitchen of black and white is in place.

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