Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hindsight or Foresight

At this age I only had foresight.........never dreaming of what my years ahead would bring. Studies show we make about 200 decisions a day.......from what to wear each day, what to eat or what job to do. I have read our life is channeled by DIVINE PROVIDENCE. What is Divine Providence? "The word "providence" comes from the Latin word proveeder, pro meaning "before" and veeder meaning "to see." Providence means that everything that is happening has been orchestrated with foresight. What's happening now must take place because of what is predestined. Often it is hard for us to appreciate this until we see what happens later." All I can say to this, 70 years after this picture was taken is "Amen."
By what unfolds in our lives today, we can sometimes recognize how God directed our life yesterday or a year ago or a decade ago, to put us where we are in life today. When something bad or negative happens, we may be upset, but then events end up playing out in such a way that suddenly we look back and realize "Oh my goodness! Everything had to happen as it did so that this could happen." I look at my life today of almost 78 years of unfolding one year at a time and everything was so incredibly planned, so masterful and magnificent. I feel somewhere in the great beyond I had a hand in choosing my parents and siblings, where I would be born, what problems and hardships I would be able to handle in order to progress into the kind of life I felt I wanted to have.
We can all think of a difficult time in life that looking back at it now, was actually a gift. My 30 year marriage was one for me. My husband never touched me, but the mental abuse was far worse, the unfaithfulness and dishonesty killed my love. After the twins were 18 and he was free from child support he walked out. Yes, there was the pain of rejection, the doubt at 54 I could go on alone. But it did not take me long to realize what a blessing in disguise the divorce was! I bought a house, a car for each of the twins, invested my share of our life, went back for more education and a fun job as a Conceirge at a hotel. I began traveling around the world, speaking on cruise ships, enjoying the children and grandchildren. No more being treated like I was a worthless idiot. I found lots of new friends and realized who my real friends were in my "other" life. Each year has just gotten better. If we can see the Divine Providence in such twists and turns, we are actually seeing God's wisdom. Looking back, we are able to see how much god was looking forward for us. That is Providence. Thank y6u God...........

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