Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Twins

On this day 42 years ago I became a member of the "Mothers Of Twin Clubs", an exclusive club, where God picks the members. Their big sister Pam and I had waited a very long time (11 years) to get her a baby sister she named Karrie. Like they say, be careful what you wish might get it. Well Pam did, and then some. She got two baby sisters so we named the other baby Sherrie. The twins were a month early and only weighted 3 lbs 13 oz and 4 lbs 5 oz. Karrie spent two weeks in an incubator and Sherrie spent three weeks in the incubator before Pam and I got them home. They are identical twins, in fact called mirror imagine twins. One is left handed, the other right handed so when they face each other they are using the same hand. I sewed all their clothes and dressed them alike, until they rebelled. They were the same but different in many ways. Sherrie was the leader always thinking up something fun to do, Karrie supported her. They had the same friends growing up, but different interests. Sherrie was a cheer leader, Karrie an officer in the seminary. They have stayed close and to this day can still finish each others sentences and will arrive some place dressed similar. Sherrie got married first and if we still had polygamy Sherrie's husband would have had two wives. Their first children were born in the same year 11 months apart. Their second child one day apart and their last child about three years apart. The children feel at home with either mother! I have enjoyed every minute with these precious girls and feel myself very lucky to have three wonderful daughters. Happy Birthday Sherrie and Karrie!