Friday, April 23, 2010

"Nothing is worth more than this day"

We are getting more and more SOS's lately. They only seem to be getting bigger and bigger and ruining life for more and more people. This week it is the volcano in Iceland......"Eyjafjallajokull volcano"....I hope i spelled it right, but don't ask me to pronounce it. For five or six days now the airlines have shut down and people are stranded all over the world. They are running out of money and their medicines and places to sleep. I was an ardent traveler for over 45 years, I have been around the world and I never ran into the problems people are having now days. Tsunami that wiped out a beautiful place in Thailand, that I had been to and loved. Earth quake in Haiti was so sad, Argentina and Beijing. This new volcano really had a ripple effect on our lives. People stuck, loss of money for airlines, for their food vendors, for their gas supplies. Car manufacturers shutting down for a few days because parts were not being delivered. Mail slowed down and Insurance on the people traveling have not been covered in some instances.........they don't do volcano's! Floods, hurricanes, tornado's, fires, mud slides, I get the feeling somebody up there isn't to happy with us. That why I have decided everyday counts when we have food and a place to sleep. So remember ,"nothing is worth more than this day!"

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