Sunday, November 16, 2014


Packed up all the wrapped Christmas gifts for Pam to take to her house......almost down to my bedroom and the kitchen to pack.....other than my clothes in a few closets.  I think I can meet the dead line and be out of here by the first of December.......I'M READY!!!!  All the family is leaving town for Thanksgiving so it will just be me and Karrie's dogs holding down the fort.  What am I going to do Thanksgiving....still deciding?
WHO PICKED THE DATEE FOR THANKSGIVING DAY????  Nope, it wasn't the Pilgrims.  It wasn't even the American Turkey Breeders Assoc.  It was Abraham Lincoln in 1863 in the middle of the Civil War, the 16th President of the U S declared that the fourth Thursday in November would become a National Day of Thanksgiving.  He hoped the observation would help to " heal the wounds of the nations," and promote "peace and harmony, tranquility and Union." of the nation.   I guess the Pilgrims and the Indians did the first feasts of thankfulness together.....but did not declare it a Holiday.   AND
Why do we care pumpkins on Halloween?  Carving TURNIPS was traditionally used in Ireland and Scotland during the Halloween season as a way of remembering souls in purgatory.  Immigrants to N America carried on the tradition, but with pumpkins which were more plentiful and easier to carve.  The record for the largest pumpkin was set in 2010 by a Wisconsin grown pumpkin weighing 1,810 pounds.  Imagine cleaning an carving something that big!
Just a little Holiday information for history........

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