Sunday, November 2, 2014


Well, I am trying to decide that old age is a gift......One part of me says ...yea, it's ok and another part of me's pretty shitty!!!  Just when I think I have some part of this move settled....then I get a lecture about moving out NOW and getting  the house ready to put up for sale.....My reasoning is no one....INCLUDING ME......wants to move during the holidays and you put the house up in December sets there four of five weeks and people wonder why it is not sold if it is such a hot deal...and the Panniers say....move in and have Christmas there.....If I have to move out before is all over for me.......I am done!......  They think it will take too long  to get the house ready to sell.......I see their point and for some one sees mine!!!   At times I wonder if this move was really worth my peace of mine.
Maybe I need some "rose colored glasses"........I am often taken aback by the old person that lives in my mirror (who looks like my mother), but I don't agonize over those things for long. When I moved into this house 27 years ago at was my idea and a lot easier than it is now at 82.  I had a garage sale, stored some stuff and got rid of a lot but for some reason I am really struggling with this move.....The family is darling and have gone way over 1/2 way to make this move a good one .......where they want me and how they want me and I really do appreciate it.  All I want to do is sit and cry.....WHY?

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