Saturday, November 1, 2014


Yes......I believe this but that doesn't make it any easier....I am so excited ....Karrie texted me they were "digging my hole today!".....The good word was after they dug the hole it would take four months to finish a house.......which means Nov....Dec.....Jan.....Feb.....Sometime in March I can move in!  YES.......January here to remodel and February to sell my house!  Well, anyway that is my plan...Jose and Salvador cleaned the back yard for me today.....which really makes me happy.  Pam and I went to a baby shower for Tiff today at the Hortins......she is due in two months and got so many darling outfits, diapers, blankets, shoes, socks, etc.  She is starting to get excited.
I love this thought.....a group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonder Of The World".  The following received the most votes:  1. Egypt's Great Pyramids........2. Taj Mahal....3.  Grand Canyon....4.  Panama Canal....5.  Empire State Building.....6.  St Peter's Basilica....7.   China's Great Wall!  One student (a girl).....Was trying  hard to finish but was having trouble....the teacher said well let's see what you came up with:  She said I think the seven wonders of the world are: 1.  To See.....2.  To Hear....3.  To touch....4.  To Taste....5.   To Feel...6. To Laugh and 7.  To Love!  The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.  The things we over look as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are Truly wondrous.....that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.....TRUE.......
Storm moving in tonight.....snow in the mountains at least and tonight we fall back one hour!

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