Saturday, July 4, 2020


The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays.....So many fun memories from my younger years....parades, picinics, dances!......and always loving the flag and what it stands I watch with sadness as the gooks tearing down monuments..... wanting to take God out of our countries songs etc.  If Biden and his buddies get elected this fall...all you poor suckers are headed for Socialism and Communism.......bag god, bag the flag, bag our freedom.....WELL, I am enjoying this one as if my last.....but hopefully not. I don't care if your black, brown, yellow , red or white...we will all be in the same boat....the government controlling our lives.
Kids are all out of town  ...Lake Powell...Island Park Idaho, Scofield grandma got the dogs....Bree and Henry Ford....Sacrament at Hills tomorrow.   HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.

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