Thursday, July 9, 2020

watermellon and corn on the cob......

Been there ..... done that!
But understand that MEXICO is stopping all international flights to Mexico and closing their borders to all Americans for a year....what a switch....we have been trying to keep the Mexicans out of our country...THE Viris has them worrried....and it should.....But I had many fun trips to Mexico ... seen most of the country and enjoyed many Margaritas.....In fact Ann and I wrote a book..."WHERE TO FIND THE BEST MARGARITAS IN MEXICO....BY TWO LITTLE OLD LADIES FROM UTAH"...Yes, one of these days we will publish it......when the borders open!l  I love Mexico ...the people, shopping, sea, weather and the music and language!!!....muy bueno......
I guess no vacation for me this summer.....but I have corn on the cob and watermellon......which says summer for me.....oh heck...... I can always make me a margarita!

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