Sunday, July 5, 2020


Right.....You all know that is what you too.  For the last five days I have been tending Bree and Henry FORD,,,,for the Panniers.   I have tended Bree a lot....but not Henry????.  He is huge and I have had to convince him  I am the ALPHA DOG in this house.......Seems all the Pannier kids were busy over the fourth of July call on grandma!  Well. so for the last five and Henry.....have been working on whose in charge here......Henry sheds and there is white hair everywhere.....Pam said she would clean the house....BUT.....the poo in the back yard is my first priorty....they mow wednesday......and I don't clean....that is why I don't have a dog now days!!!! So Pam has a job tomorrow......I also had Sherrie's two dogs...Macy and Paco.or Taco or whatever his name is....... were here so you can image what my house looks ANIMAL SHELTER....Unkept!!!  I wish I would get some more great-grandchildren and maybe not so many great-grand dogs????  Oh Well...IT IS WHAT IT IS!

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