Thursday, July 9, 2020


They say "Like collects Like" no surprise these angry, unhappy, insecure, lying, hateful bunch of people have joined the devil in trying to destroy the freedom and love of our flag and statues.......Can you imagine what our life would be if Biden wins in November?  Biden has lost it and this is his third try for the PRESIDENT.....In the midst of our Viris pandemic we are having to deal with this bunch......all they know is to say no to everything the REPUBLICANS are trying to do to get our country through this horrible viris, restraunts, schools, churches etc. and get back to jobs and normal living.....even if it is masks and gloves..... my life I have family ....neighbors.....and friends that help me stay anchored .....Yesterday SHERRIE and I had fun shopping and lunch and I hemmed some drapes for the cabin...Tomorrow we look forward to Richie's wedding and being together again...last week I tended Pam's two dogs for five days.....good reminder why I don't want another dog!!! Sherrie found me a cute new dress for the wedding....can hardly wait....outdoors wedding in Lehi....I couldn't go to his first wedding as it was in the excited for this one.  Scotty leaves the 26th on his mission....Brazil cancelled and still don't know where he will end up.  I  have faith and I believe God is watching over my family.
And as for the group here....what goes round...comes round ........and they will all get theirs  eventually!

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