Sunday, July 12, 2020


Be kind, be fair, be honest, be true, and all these things will come back to you!......
You know ....what goes round....comes round......SO TRUE!!
As I sit here 88 years down the road of life.....I regret nothing in my life....Even if my past had some  hurt...single mother at 54.....and rejection is hard for some little grey headed lady we labeled "the KMart Lady" to break up our home.......could break up 30 years of marriage....After 34 years I am me becuse of the past....and a much better person.....Even my past  had some hurt I still look back and smile,  Because my past made me who I am today and made me strong.....loving God more and so proud of what I have accomplished by hanging on.....I do not understand having to go through this period of viris..but I know God has a I will obey the rules best I can.
I am so home.....not and friends and neighbors who care and check on me all the time......good health for an 88 year old and still can think and remember.....well most the time.....what is happening in my world!  OK....I don't hear like I use to.....I don't see as well as I use to and my hair is grey......B ut Crazy old Grandma Betty is under all this 'OLD STUFF; and I am happy for every day God gives I hope my sweet family is patience and puts up with me!

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