Sunday, July 5, 2020


This looks like so many places I have been in EUROPE.....There are lucky people who live in little villages like this.....Sunday....Monday etc.  But I feel lucky to be in my little  corner of Utah in a fun , friendly, and so far safe little neighborhood.  Yesterday....being the 4th of July....with all the children off doing what kids do on the 4th.....was very quiet.  My sweet neighbor had done a drive through at church....I don't do those a box of sparklers (with 6 in it).....and a popcycle.....said we had to go light them at out we of matches....pitchure of water to put the old ones in and planning on really giving our street a treat!!!! WRONG...our neighborhood came alive with fire works being set off all around us....wonderful fire works from our own front yard full of neighbors.....from 10:00 till 11:00 it was so an 88 year old great-grandma acting like I was 4 or for our spriklers we finally got the man across the street to get them we ever grow out of celebrating our wonderful country??  I was excited and stayed up till 11:00!
We....a group of 8....went to the Hill's for sacrament this morning....I guess there were 21 at the morning session of church....still feel safer at home....with this viris.....
Anyway...Happy Day after the 4th you all......

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