Friday, July 24, 2020


BE KIND.....That was one of mother's favorite lessons as I was growing up....and she walked the talk......I always felt you were a hypocrite if you were nice to someone you didn't like....but she always said....."it doesn't  hurt to be kind".....and as I grew older I realized what she never know what another person is going through in life and why be mean and maker it worse for them?
"There are so many great choices we can make every day.....Today take a step.....any size you decide....maybe toward a dream you have...or it could be a step back from a past choice that did not work out.  Today you can make a move.....big or small.....forward or backwrd.....but take a step that boosts your well-being.  Today be happy kind and good and rceive  the happinss you deserve in life.

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