Thursday, July 16, 2020


I know growing up....sisters can be your best friend or your worst......I know I had three little sisters.....So sad two of my sisters are gone now....but thankgoodness I still have one left...and she is my "go to".....with good news or bad!.....she doesn't judge me....just listens to my moaning and grooning....till I feel better......we compare our ailments.....what our kids....grandkids and even our great-grandkids~are doing.....Catch up on all the relatives we have in common...share craft ideas.....and keep an eye on baby brother....JIM......yes, I surely agree....I always feel better after Les and I hash over our latest crisis of growing old......or share our lastest every day happenings.....
Yesterday had some cancer removed from my arm....a little tender today.
Can't believe how fast the summer is flying by and the Viris is keeping us shut-up and in a mask....but as long as we stay well.....we can handle it.

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