Tuesday, July 28, 2020


I am finding out this life of CD-19 is starting to get to me......all I want to do is sleep!  ,,,,and eat!  I am realizing how much other people in your life matter.....even people i don't know at the grocery store are nice to just see and wonder if they are having the same struggle I am.  So many helpful hints on how to beat stress......Sniff vetiver oil.....deep sniffs of this earthy essential oil can calm your brain as effectively as Xanax....it promps the release of focus-enhancing brain waves......OR sipping 24 oz of iced paasion flower tea daily could sooth stress and anxiety as effectively as taking a perscription med like Valium......It releases an anxiety ending hormome called GABA.....OR just sit and feel sorry for yourself hoping for a phone call and some exciting mail.....or another Dr. Phil re-run?

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