Sunday, July 12, 2020 family.....

OF COURSE HE IS PRECIOUS.....HE IS PART OF HIS GREAT=GRANDMA Betty And all my grandkids....great-grandkids and of course their mothers are the best of the best!  With the COOKS back in the fold....I am happy again.  We added cute Anna a couple of days ago and she really fits in. I hope they all are proud of me.....I have tried to be an example to to my and sisters...nieces and nephews....children and not have too many regrets.....The hurts after the divorce were hard but I choose travel over depression, drugs or alcochol or anger....Just wanted to be a better me......I have many wonderful memories with the grandchildren....all learned to swim in my pool and I baby sat many hours. I am sorry I am not able to tend like I use to.....well there are the dogs I get quit a bit of them.......but thanks Nicci to keep me up on my prescious one year old.......

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