Saturday, July 11, 2020


NO... Big Night bcause sweet Richie and Anna got married and I got to be there with my sweet family of Sherrie and Pam...Things have been pretty dull around here the last few months....but Sherrie got me a new dress and it was so fun being out and about again...yes, there were many masks....but like seat belts.....we are getting use to them!  ANNA is a sweet girl and from South Carolina....Mom and her boy friend.....Dad and his girl friend and little sister were all there....and I guess ....crassed a little..Sherrie called TONI and said do not come.....They didn't.....thank goodness! Families now days are not real families.....poor kids...torn between and my kids are going thorugh it with Toni even though Don and I buried the hatchet......but he is in la-la land now.  Toni informed Sherrie they were fine and did not want to see them and the only way to her father was  through her as he had no phone....they blocked their phones for help!
Anyway the wedding was in a big barn in the middle of a hay field with goats and was very different.  They had it very open and airy and the ceremony was chairs set outside....very hot..... under an arch.  Not long....not religious because Anna is not mormon.....Uncle Mark married them. ....then a very nice, hand sanitizers etc......It  seemed all Petersons and Cooks and a few of Riche's frineds as Anna doesn't know anyone......Poor Asylyn is working in the hospital in Vernal and not suppose to leave Vernal ....nor is her husband she  kept her mask on and was not in any pictures,,,,,,terrible they are controlling your life like this!  Brayden had to work and Libby went to Cedar City with her mom to clean out grandpa's house as they put him in a care center....Isn't Life changing for everyone.......?  The weather was our Scotty's mission Brazil is out ...the church had his farewell on ZOOM......SO no fairwell or good bye to him and we are waiting to see where he will be reassigned.....He is such a darling boy....and I hope I am still around when he gets back in two years.....He said tell God you have to live till I get home.....I am so lucky to have had such  grand children and get to see 4 great--grandchildren.....I don't take any of this for graditude for much in my life is great!
Congratulations to Richie B. and Anna.....that was a great wedding!

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