Sunday, June 28, 2020


I am so happy to have God in my life and know I have someone to go to when I need a little help now and then....and now it is to help our country find a vacination for the CDV-19 VIRIS......and no more Racist and tearing down our great statues of people who made America..... America.....Go ahead and scream and yell your heads off.... and march......but no more looting, burning cars and destroying our world.....and wanting to get rid of our police....What is wrong with our world.?
Ending another very quiet weekend.....Les called and had a nice time at Matt's wedding in Winslow....Sher was happy to stay home this weekend but are off to pick up a new boat in Phoenix tomorrow.  Pam called to see how I felt.   I do appreciate being checked on......Last night the door bell rang and I check to find  a sack of food from Cafe Rio on my door step.....Yea Sunday dinner from one of the kids.....I took it out of the sack and put it in the fridge....Sher called...No it wasn't from her....just then the door bell again.....there stood a young black boy and he said...."you know the food on your steps.....It was for next door....can I have it?" Sooooo...... I got it out of my fridge put it back in its sack and I guess he took it over to the lady next door with the viris?  I later was told once it was in my do not ask for it back......and I would not want food that had been in someone else's refridge! and we wonder how germs are spread?

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