Tuesday, June 23, 2020


I love this thought and am trying so hard to change the bad habits to eventually go through the temple.  I have so many questions......we were not raised with a lot of religion going on in our family as I grew up....I know both my parents were religion in their own way and they more or less let us children choose our own paths......I was baptised a Mormon when I was 10 by QUINN HAMMOND.....and I don't remember much else about it.  Mom was a Mormon convert when she was little and my Dad was raised in the Methodist Chruch....which I attended if I went to church at all.....then I went to BYU and had to take religion classes......the beginning of my religious training..We were taught to say our prayers and some times a blessing on the food growing up.  I think my best lesson is the eample the folks set for us and more or less I got sitting in church every Sunday does not make you a good Mormon.....you are your church ...not Sunday meetings.

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