Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Gosh......dressed up three days in a row......On Sunday it was off to Hill's for Sacrament and ended up being served for lunch.....
Monday a surprise birthday party for Gay at the end of the street....fun meal and visit with some of my favorite people and today eight close nighbors and friends gave Gay a little luncheon......Wow I am worn out. Sherrie surprised me and dropped in for breakfast.....had to drive a truck back to Vernal for their car business.....then she came back by with flowers......The girls father and his wife toni and driving them crazy and now and then they just need to unload......They have all tried so hard and the bitchy wife will not cooperate ....nor her son can not be bothered.   Don is in a nice safe place that feeds him and does his washing and keeps track of his medicine.....None of the girls can tend him like that and it is being paid for by insurance.....don't know when toni will get out....still testing positive after two weeks and waiting for a back and neck operation!  They will not release him until he has a safe place to go to.  The girls are afraid he will try to drive again and kill somebody this time......I wonder if he ever regrets being such a lousy father and husband to us?

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