Sunday, June 28, 2020


It is so hard to get up some days.....I hurt all over from arthritis and old age.....some nights are good and some are not. BUT....I never forget to thank God for one more day.....our little complex of 117  homes has been so lucky with not viris cases....UNTIL NOW!  The neighbor flew in a friend from Oklahoma to baby sit her dog while they went on vacation.....and the viris flew in with her...being the next door neighbor was ask to help her out if she needed the neighbor on the other side of me.....We met one afternoon on my front porch.....8 ft apart....and not touching each other but no face mask....she complained of being very tired....a day or two later she another friend as she did not feel good and the news a couple of days later was..."positive" my age I am peranoid about being exposed.....we are now 9 days out from our meeting and I show no signs of viris...but cancelled two dr appointments and am in lock up for another week......Dr Phil says...."what you fear, you create" I know I have got to suck it up cupcake and get on with your life......So many things I want to do....but I hurt all the time and.......I might get the viris!!!!

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