Friday, June 12, 2020

NEW TO ME.....

Everyone's complaint now days....after being in lockdown three months.....
You try to shop and the shelves are bare...everyone got $1,200.00 from the government and when the green light go came on to not "shelter in place" any longer they emptied the stores.  The last request I got was.....a reminder that my yearly physical is next  Thursday and ........would I like to do it via TV???
O.K.....I'll wear the masks and gloves and follow the arrows up down the store floors but if they think I am undressing on TV for a physical.....Think again!  How can she check that pimple on my But.........wha hoo porno? What kind of physical does not weight you....take your blood pressure and temperature.....look in your ears and nose and throat and take a gallon of blood to test for every thing? I called them back this morning and ask if they had lost their minds....and I would be in..... in person on Thursday at 11:30!!!!  I am not falling for any of that stuff.

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