Friday, June 19, 2020


Here is my nephew....Mike Ramsey....being a good grandfather and feeding Carlie's new baby.  He had four children and now has seven grandchildren......My husband never feed or changed our three much less any of our nine grandchildren.....good grandpa...bad grandpa????
Today Patty came over as she is feeling so bad about losing her goo friend Ruth,,,,sometimes you just have to be there for people and listen.  Then HONH AND MARK left this morning for a weeks vacation and have a friend tending Beau (the dog)....flew her in from Suzanne brought her over for me to meet incase she needs one of us for something.....she knows no one and doesn't have a car.
The Pannier's and Hortons are in Idaho for Tiff and Rob's birthdays and Father's Day.....Sherrie has a house full of company for the week end a class mates family from out of town ...I think the Cooks were going to Oregan to play another very quiet weekend for me.....Oh yes, Leslie and some of her family are in Colorado at their cabin.....soooo get out your knitting and cheese and crackers and have a nice Father's Day weekend Betty!

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