Sunday, June 7, 2020


Of course you look forward to getting up every day.....but not to the same ole....same ole.  How long and much more damage are they going to do.....before someone gets smart enough to stop all this nonsense.  Yes, I say punish the cops that killed and those who just watched.....we had a funderal......they have torn up every town they can and now the democrates want to get rid of the police of the world.......THEY ARE TRULY SICK!  We pray and we pray and I guess we just have to have faith God is listening and The Viris and Riots are for a reason.
Libby and Brayden came home last night....they went to church for the first time since it was closed......Brayden goes back to work Monday and they are moving up to the Christenson's cabin in Park City for the summer.....what fun,...Lake Powell all spring now Park City for the summer....that is the life. Libby will go back to school this fall.
Had a down pour this morning.....we need the rain....and are we getting it!

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