Tuesday, June 2, 2020


A sad day in the middle of the viris and the massive protests going on in all the big cities over the black guy who was killed by a police man......looting, throwing rocks and bottles at police and burning cars....it got bad Saturday night here and a curfew was put on the city till six Monday ......going on all over the U S.....and then word Steve died from cancer....I think melanoma...he had kept it a secret from everyone.  He had been helping the girls with don and tony.....she is still testing positive for CDV19 and waiting to be operated on.....Don  called Sherrie four times yesterday to come get him out.....Sherrie had it out with Toni I guess.
Steve was not very old when Don and I got married ........Steve and  Linda  got married when they were seniors.....I tended Alisha and Kristy when they were little and Linda tended Sherrie and Karrie. H e was 76.....with three grandkids.  He and Jim and Little Woody were Bev and Woods boys.....and my favorite of the Petersons....we love  you Steve and will miss you.

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