Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Seems every day is the same.....the world has turned into masks and rubber gloves.  I went to the dermitologist today....had to have my temperature taken and my hands washed down before I could even get into the building....then stay 6 feet from the person that checked me in and then  find a chair six feet from anyone ...did get to see cute dr Powell.....he bio-ed a place on my arm and burned off a half dozen places on my face.....tomorrow my boob Dr.....been a long three months for me.
The TV....computer and I-pad have saved my life ......during this stay in place.....order.  My nails are a mess and I went in last weekend and had them start me on the road to 'GREY HAIR'......This whole ordeal has changed me into the old lady I have tried not to be......I am enjoying my front porch and my Patio....thanks to the help of my girls planting and putting new furniture together. The little humming birds are so fun to watch....I guess these pictures about cover my exciting vacations.

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