Sunday, May 17, 2020


Looking back over my 88 years.....this is so true.  Leslie came up last Tuesday and stayed all night and we took off Wednesday morning for a little road trip to see baby brother Jim in Montecello, Utah for a couple of nights.  We spent many hours looking back and laughing about our growing up years in Mancos.....and what wonderful parents we had.  I guess we were poor.....but never really knew it as we never went hungry or barefooted.....and all our friends were in the same boat.  We went to Mancos and put flowers on all the family graves and reminesed alot.....visited Jim's friend and his X wife who made us cute Trump 2020 face masks.  I hadn't seen Tami for many years.  Then to see our home which had been painted blue and see Grandma and Grandpa's house where Leslie and I were born...... Yes, we spent most the time looking  back and realizing how lucky we were.......Jim's wife left and he has a fun place full of rocks .....his love.....bird feeders and antiques.  There is nothing more important than siblings.  I feel sorry for only children......Les then went to Orem to spend three nights with Mike and Kathy......and enjoy her grandkids.....I am sure the girls thought Leslie and I would get lost....but surprise....we made it there and back safely.

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