Sunday, May 17, 2020


My whole life has been Retail has been my savior many times over the years......I go up and down the isles and that is my exercise......smiling and visiting along the way has been my social life....and I have found many treasures I didn't need.....but what the heck?  I have found a few good receipes for beans etc. from nice people who shared with me.  As soon as my hands grip the handle of a shopping cart and those wheels start going round......I enter my therapy zone.....No .....I don't always buy something.....but I now know what is new....what is the latest.....where things are......if I ever need them.....or not!  Now and then you hit a good sale and can start your Christmas and Birthday's shopping.  Until I can get back to the "good ole days" when just getting out......for no reason.....but to get some exercise......some social life.....and maybe pick up a quart of milk or a loaf of life is on ......stand still!
My cute  cancer Dr. Lloyd never heard of this and said she had fun telling everyone about "Retail Therapy".......

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