Tuesday, May 5, 2020


My neighbors are the greatest.....They just knocked on the door with some great geraniums that are only a dollar a piece....Sher wants to plant flowers in front for my Mother's Day......so was thrilled. Honh offered some dinner and Suzanne bought my taco's for lunch.  Yesterday Hilda brought over cheese cake from her Sunday dinner and the list just goes on......I do some mending and hemming for them....but when it comes to cooking.....nada.
Filled my bird feeders and can't wait for the humming birds to discover them....also got a new bird bath....see how clean the birds in my neighborhood are???  I love summer and am so ready to enjoy my patio and new furniture.....and looking for a fire pit.  One problem.....getting rid of the old stuff...Another week without my roommates....been a month now....Bray still waiting to hear when he can go back to work at Park City......Salt Lake pretty well still shut down......Oh Happy Day?

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