Tuesday, May 19, 2020


This so brings back the memories of raising my three girls.......In fact now and then I still find myself  doing it on a sudden stop.....poor kids with black and blue chests.
Took me two days to recoop from my road trip.....Ken spent Monday afternoon with me......then today Sherrie surprised me and spent the afternoon with me....She was waiting for Darren to get in gear so they could drive down to Page for a week on the boat with the Baines......We did Costco which I had not been in for about three months.....plenty of toilet paper and paper towels...no lines....got some lunch at Wendy's and came home to eat it on the patio......picked up Ken and had a fun visit.......children so make your life worth living.  Been windy for two days and is suppose to storm tomorrow......enjoying my patio and beautiful flowers.  Tomorrow....Pam and I are going to do something....haven't decided what yet!......still wearing masks and gloves,,,,but nice getting out!

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